Wednesday 20 January 2010

The outcome of the meeting was positive and Mum came home yesterday.Dad and I were apprehensive as to how it would go but so far so great. As my daughter commented 'it is like having the old Nan back'. I never believed that I would ever see her functioning as she is now, she is able to reason things out, seems to remember past and present, all I can say is 'Memantine is a wonder drug.' It obviously does not suit every patient but for Mum it is far anyhow. We do have an agency to come in and help Mum get dressed in the morning- which gives my Dad just a short while to get washed and shaved. Mum just needs guidance to put on clothes in the right order and a day a week has been arranged at a day centre (although they have a bug at present.) Other ideas have been put forward to give Dad a break but for the moment it is one step at a time.
Mum even went to the home of a hairdresser to have her hair permed yesterday...before she went to hospital she was too fearful to go anywhere.She was quite good in hospital but just before her release she ha the memantine upped to 10g instead of 5g that seems to have made a world of difference again. She still has quitiepine also. Well we will see what happens as they say watch this space!

Sunday 10 January 2010

I can't believe it is the 10th January today. Mum has been progressing over the last few weeks, she has been able to recall events and express her opinions. A meeting has been organised for Wednesday to discuss her homecoming. She has been saying for 3 weeks that she is coming out on 13th (date of meeting) but fortunately she has changed it to the 15th. I say fortunately because dad has to go into hospital for a minor op on Tuesday, hence I have to atend the meeting Wednesday ......and don't really want Mum thinking she can come home with me! Lets hope all goes smoothly and she is able to come out Friday. It will be hard work but so is travelling to Gosport daily especially when the roads are full of snow.
Dad and I are apprehensive, hoping that we can deal with Mum in the expert way the staff can, but the worst thing that can happen is that we can't cope and have to ask for help again.
A busy and eventful week.

Friday 1 January 2010

Christmas day was really good, Mum looked beautiful as her care assistant had washed and styled her hair. It had obviously made her feel so good also. My Dad was taken in to the hospital around 11 am by my three daughters who took some presents for Mum to open. They all stayed a while and then left Dad for the day to have Christmas dinner with Mum. The hospital staff were most kind and even set up a separate table for Mum and dad so they could enjoy dinner together. We carried on with Christmas at home and then my whole family (6 of us ) visited the hospital around 5pm armed with our presents for Mum. She was brilliant and even joined in a happy family card game! We took over the lounge but it was a really positive visit and highlighted that Mum was nearly ready to come home.
Over the next few days Mum expressed her wish to come home and frustration at being left in hospital. She has become more lucid, more aware of where she is, blaming my dad for leaving her there. When we discussed coming home she said that she would miss her new family. I suggested that Dad bring her back to visit everyone and that seemed to be accepted. When we talked it over with the sister she said Mum could come home for the day initially if that would be best but we feel that once Mum is out through those doors she will not want to come back!
When I left the ward today Mum came to the doors and said goodbye nicely, in the past she would have created a fuss. She seems happy that arrangements are in hand for her to come home. She asks questions about home, asking dad if she is coming home to her house or 'Gill's. Sometimes I think she has her childhood home in her mind.