Wednesday 20 January 2010

The outcome of the meeting was positive and Mum came home yesterday.Dad and I were apprehensive as to how it would go but so far so great. As my daughter commented 'it is like having the old Nan back'. I never believed that I would ever see her functioning as she is now, she is able to reason things out, seems to remember past and present, all I can say is 'Memantine is a wonder drug.' It obviously does not suit every patient but for Mum it is far anyhow. We do have an agency to come in and help Mum get dressed in the morning- which gives my Dad just a short while to get washed and shaved. Mum just needs guidance to put on clothes in the right order and a day a week has been arranged at a day centre (although they have a bug at present.) Other ideas have been put forward to give Dad a break but for the moment it is one step at a time.
Mum even went to the home of a hairdresser to have her hair permed yesterday...before she went to hospital she was too fearful to go anywhere.She was quite good in hospital but just before her release she ha the memantine upped to 10g instead of 5g that seems to have made a world of difference again. She still has quitiepine also. Well we will see what happens as they say watch this space!

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